Peer to Peer

FBN Asia welcomes and engages all stakeholders in the member business families, including their non-family trusted advisors or managers where appropriate.  It is a safe platform for all members to share and exchange knowledge, experiences and to actively contribute to the personal and professional growth of other members in the network. Regardless of generation or age, members meet as equal in social and peer programmes, across generations, where the different perspectives they bring enrich the learning experience for all. Participants have singled out peer relations as a highlight of FBN Asia and that they learn vicariously about their own family members through interaction with other families.

* Peers are in a position to offer support by virtue of relevant experience: he or she has “been there, done that” and can relate to others who are now in a similar situation.

COMPASS introduces members to the value and benefits from participating in a small circle of people from diverse backgrounds, expertise and generations. Such a circle of members share their experiences within strict protocol and under high level of confidence so as to provide a safe environment for members to discuss personal, family and business issues close to their hearts.
Members participating in these circles have singled out FBN Asia’s COMPASS as the most invaluable experience of their membership. To get the most value out of your membership with FBN Asia, attend a COMPASS training led by a fellow FBN member to start this learning journey with fellow members from the family business eco-system.
This quarterly event hosted by family business owners allows family members to share their experiences of operating their businesses. Many unique challenges specific to family businesses are discussed in a confidential and informal setting conducive for open and candid information exchange.
Mentorship programmes give members the opportunity for cross-border and cross-generational learning through the formation of mentor-mentee relationships.
Through FBN Asia, Next Generation members can access FBN I internships (for a period of one to six months) in another member family business to gain a wider perspective into family business management. This programme allows up and coming business leaders to build an international network, identify potential mentors from world-class business families while getting invaluable working experience.